Friday, September 9, 2011

Kill 6: The Self-confident

After Loss 11 gf-s went on local and Draek offered me a Rifter vs Rifter 1v1. I had to pick up a new Rifter and meanwhile I was thinking about how I will beat the guy. I decided to change my scrambler to a Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, so with a close orbit I will be able to dodge his projectiles. The second (and I think most important) choice was to use Republic Fleet Fusion ammo so after breaking his shield (And I have to break it fast.) I will abuse the Rifter's resistance hole against explosive damage in armor. The tactics has worked.

It is far easier to fight when you know you will fight and you have minutes to think about the how part. When you scan down someone you have secs to decide and create a tactic. In the begining I have to do as much 1v1-s as possible to learn and to make the short decision making timeframe of a real encounter long enough.

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