Monday, September 19, 2011

Loss 18 and kill 11: The Roam

I have joined to the corp called Mise en Abyme. They (we) are... players, nothing serious thing. No EvE is your second job, man! shit.
I cannot say this is a pirate corp. It is a lowsec PvP corp with the exact same attitude that I have.

We had roams before and the FC always followed the same strategy: jump into system with the whole gang, spread out and try to find someone fast. I have a little problem with this strategy: if there is only one potential victim in the system, then if 4 guy from the same corp jumps in the same time can cause a local spike. And if I were this neutral I would move to a safe immediately. On the other hand if the one neutral does not flee he could be a bait and a fail for us. Anyway in a system 10+ people on local 4 new guy isn't as frightening sight.

In one of this roams we re-entered Agoze and spread through belts. I jumped right on the top of a Drake.
Lock, point, orbit.
- Warp to me, I've got a point on Drake!
- Who is 'me'?
Drake opens fire, sends Hobgoblin IIs against me.
- Rita, it is Rita.
- Warping.
Shield, armor, structure dropped very fast. Good bye, my Rifter! As my pod warped away there were two questions in my mind:
Will the guys arrive in time to re-tackle the Drake?
Will they be able to kill her?
The answers are two yeses. It took about 10 minutes for the three AFs but finally the Drake popped. We lost the Rifter and one Jaguar. My Rifter doesn't had a chance I had to keep that Drake where she is until my corpmates arrive. The Jaguar loss was a late warp-away.

This is my first kill without a single bullet fired. The guys said a Good tackle! and I think, yes, this was a good tackle. I cannot tell anything about the kill, I was sitting in my pod 3 systems away waiting GCC to expire.