Monday, August 22, 2011

Loss 1: The Myrmidon

I was just arrived to Placid and went to a short roam hoping some target appears.

Warped to zero to an asteroid belt. Red on overview. CTRL-clicking on it and meanwhile checking who is it and what kind of ship. It took a few secs more than it should, so he locked and warpscrambled me. A Myrmidon commanded by a Muppet Ninja. Those guys are very common seen in the neighborhood. Pirate/PvP corp which runs blobs frequently. Back to my battlecruiser opponent... Myrmidons are stuffed with drones in normal case so I knew my ship is lost. I targeted the sun and clicked align then 2465623 times the warp to zero button. The reason is simple: if my ship aligns to the sun then after it pops my capsule will align to sun. And a well-aligned capsule goes into warp in a split second so the Myrmidon won't have a chance to lock and scramble me.

Ship exploded but capsule saved.

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